Joe Stack Was A Crazy Anti American Terrorist

Man talk about a guy with a few screws loose...

Yes you have to be crazy to fly your plane into a building and burn your house down because you hate the government.  But to go on and on about how he was screwed over consistently in his six page manifesto unearthed after he flew his plan in to that IRS building in Austin, Texas, really gives you insight into how much of a nutjob this guy actually was.  Reading through that guys screed I was able to come to a few conclusions.  

This man did not like taking responsibility for his failures in business and life, everything seemed to be everyone's fault but his.  Secondly he really hated that the government made him pay taxes...well who the fuck doesn't?  If all of that were truly terrible, why not leave and move somewhere more suited to your non american tax liking way of life, say switzerland or the cayman islands.  This nutjob was a straight up anti-american terrorist and any attempt to brand this guy anything else would be a stretch by any crazy like minded person.

Note to self, do not write a manifesto espousing my hatred of Matt Lieber and post online...then everyone will know how crazy I really am ......

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